Piękny występ na Air Show Radom 2018!!!!! :)
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Dominika26.08.2018 / 12:37
Hello AMAZING pilots! Thank you so much for a spectacular show yesterday in Radom. You gave us great emotions, we experienced wonderful moments. You are the MASTERS in the sky, crazy bees ;) Sending lots of hugs and much love from Poland ???????????????? Thank you!!
Imants VINGOLDS12.08.2018 / 18:38
Lielisks BalticBees priekšnesums Aviošovā Wings Over Baltics Airshow 2018 Tukuma lidlaukā "Jūrmala"5.08.2018!!! Brīnišķīgs bija Nr. 5 Lāčplēsis pilota Valerija SOBOLEVA solo sniegums ar BMV un YL-001. Speciāls paldies Aleksandram ZARIŅAM! Sirsnīgs tencinājums visiem pilotietm, tehniķiem BB Menedzmentam un īpašniekiem. Organizācija bija Eiropas šovu līmenī!
Tukumnieks 211004.08.2018 / 20:29
Aviosvētki pie mums ''Jūrmala airpor' bija fantastiski un vārdos neaprakstāmi. :)
Vērojot šo fenomnālo sniegumu pat asaras acīs saskrēja. :) Milzīgs paldies par iespēju būt kopā šajos nozīmīgajos svētkos. :)
Thank you! This was amaizing air show. I'm really happy bacause i had a chance to be with you. :)
Ingus Jumitis04.08.2018 / 19:50
Thank You for the fantastic emotions during Wings over Baltic 2018. Whole show during the day was amazing. Best of luck % clear skies fellas!
Krzysztof30.07.2018 / 15:34
Fantastyczny pokaz w Mielcu, dziękujemy i pozdrawiamy.
Ainars Grinbergs17.07.2018 / 23:18
Hi guys! You are a great team. I'm proud of you. No so many countries in Europe who have they own acrobatic team. Can I ask you. Do you use coloured smoke, like a colour of flag. They are looks very good.
Raminta16.07.2018 / 19:27
Your air show in Lithuania (July 14-15) - A M A Z I N G !!!!!
Mantas15.07.2018 / 14:29
Thank you for two beautiful shows in Kaunas! You guys were amazing!